Please help me.
Help me from this darkness inside of me.
It's growing so fast, and wont stop growin.
Please help me from it.
I have noting to give anymore.
I don't wont to fight anymore.
I'm so tired.
If I let go and let the darkness grow I know...
Yes, I know that the fire inside of me will get lose.
It will burn not only me to death,
but you and all the ones around me.
So please help me.
You once loved me, can you not see past the wrong I did.
And help me trough this darkness and fire.
I'm so scared.
So scared to lose you once more.
Help me, I think I'm about to die...
Help me
copyright: Olivia Gustafsson.
P.S dikten är om en av mina personer i en av mina berättelser.
Bra skrivit, men om det nu är en av dina fantasipersoner, vilket jag hoppas. Du kan ju skrämma skiten ur en, busunge